Just like any conservative, I want taxes low, the military strong, and don’t even get me started on single payer health care or late-term abortion. To be candid, in my day-to-day life and work, I spend a lot more time thinking and writing about the failures of Obamacare, for example, than I do about “LGBT issues,” whatever that term might mean on any given day. Far too often, people are sorted by their gender, or their skin color, or their sexual orientation, or any other immutable characteristic that has nothing to do with ideas or values. That intellectual laziness only underscores my point. Some unimaginative leftists like to claim that this qualifies me as a 'self-hating' gay person. When it comes to my political beliefs, my orientation is only one part of the story. I “came out” as gay in a footnote in my book, End of Discussion. What I mean by that is my values define me, while my sexual orientation sometimes feels more like-well, a footnote. I’m a Christian, a patriotic American, and a free-market, shrink-the-government conservative-who also happens to be gay.