The best way to get an accurate price range is by booking a (free!) consultation with the artist - if not in person, then through a brief detailed email which we prefer the most. Final price is dependent on size, detail of the design, colors and which artist you’ve chosen. It depends on the artist, our minimum charge is $80 per person. Not only must you be 18, you have to prove it with a valid State or Federal Photo ID. In accordance with this law we have a strict NO MINORS POLICY. It is against California Law to tattoo a minor, even with parental consent. Note: Our artists are located in three locations, some do not travel between the three studios. Give us 1-3 days to reply your email, please do not send us multiple requests. We schedule appointments a maximum of three months in advance. This will enable us to process your request quickly and efficiently. Once you’ve selected your preferred artist(s) or if you do not have a preference, you can either stop by the shop or send a detailed email with a description of the design, reference photos, what colors you like, and your preferred dates to schedule (the more flexible you are, the quicker we can schedule you in).